A Glass Villanelle

Elizabeth O'Nuanain
1 min readFeb 3, 2023


Reflections on Reflections


When she was just a body, she stopped before the mirror

Approving. Disapproving. Dazed by the light’s refraction

Gaze into that glass for long enough, she’s hoping to see clearer


Vanity. Insanity. Combined this glass delivers

Impervious to gravity, the high demand for attraction

When she was just a body, she stopped before the mirror


A wrinkle, a fold, the affrontery of the old and inferior

A backside that sags, old eyes with their bags. All infractions

Of the rules, as ideal’s failure grows clearer


Dysmorphia as guide, still she subscribes to the body superior

A fragile chin held up high, a slave to beauty’s abstraction

Her tummy held in tight. Just a body before the mirror


To age. To digress. To accept nonetheless, and forgive her

Wonder and ponder, cooly upon her changing reflection

Nothing more one can do, as the form and face grow clearer


Know you exceed, what the standards of beauty deliver

Gifts not yet open promise satisfaction

With the sum of our flesh stood before our mirror

Gaze into the glass, and see your beauty grow clearer

Originally published at https://elizabethnuanain.substack.com on February 3, 2023.



Elizabeth O'Nuanain

I’m a sporadic writer; photographer; keeper of one dog; two cats and six hens; an abuse survivor; chronic pain sufferer and liberal user of semi-colons.